T Minus 2 Days

Hello from sunny Colorado! The Collision to Coast team has begun to assemble and we are getting amped to begin our ride on Saturday! Kate, Morgan, Evie and I are preparing for the next 4 weeks by packing up the camper and finalizing some details. We are trying to get a feel of what our days on the road will look like. On Friday we'll be driving up to Idaho and settling in for the next couple days. This will be a good practice run with the camper, as Dad will be there for the weekend to make sure we kind of know what we're doing! We've actually settled into our routine nicely so far, and I think he'll be impressed!

Kate has been so great as to set up some mail drops for the next few weeks! So, if you'd like to send us some love on the trip, check out the details below on how to do so. Snail mail is always great!

Last, but certainly not least, we are all blown away by the kindness and generosity shown to the team and I. I feel so supported and well taken care of; it's a great way to start off Collision to Coast. You all have lifted so much weight off of our shoulders by donating to our trip and I cannot thank you enough. I so appreciate every text, email, and facebook message sent my way with words of encouragement. Kind words and prayers go a long way in helping me mentally prepare to finish my trek to the coast, and I'm so ready to just start this thing!





Please address mail as

June 29th- Plummer, ID

Collision to Coast Cyclists
Attn: Katherine Norris
General Delivery
235 10th St
Plummer, ID 83851

Please mark the envelope or package with "Hold for pick up on June 29th"


July 9th- Cascade Locks, OR

Collision to Coast Cyclists
Attn: (name)
General Delivery
461 NW Wanapa St
Cascade Locks, OR 97014

Please mark the envelope or package with "Hold for pick up on July 9th"


Laura Stark